Cherish {Father’s Day 2013}

June 15, 2013

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure…”

As the first father’s day with my daddy watching me from Heaven, I thought it would only be appropriate to dedicate a post to him and to encourage so many others out there who will be spending this father’s day, without their dad. I’d love for you to look at our post from Father’s Day 2009, happy memories, are sweetest kind, and it was so wonderful to be able to look back to when he was here.. If I could say anything to you right now, and I believe what my dad would want me to tell you if he was here, it would be to cherish each day, forgive even when it’s hard,  love unconditionally, and embrace each memory as if you just made it.

If he’s here, hug him, tight.

If he’s gone, celebrate him by remembering his voice, his laughter, his rough hands that always worked hard to provide.

If he is, or always has been absent from your life, I encourage you to reach out to your Heavenly father, who sees every heart, knows every desire, and beyond anything, loves your more than you can ever imagine, and desires a passionate relationship with you.

Many people have asked me how I will remember my dad… the answer is, I won’t remember him, because I know he will always be with me…

In a sunset, I’ll know that was painted just for me, in tears of joy, and tears of sorrow, in a little girl reaching for her daddy’s hand, or in begging him to give her one more underdog on the swing set. I’ll know he’s with my every winter as the birds take flight to a warmer place, and every summer with the smell of fresh cut grass, where many memories we made on daddy’s lap as I helped him mow the lawn. He’ll be there in the comfort of the simple things, in the things that brought us joy, and in the moments where we realize life’s many treasures. I won’t only remember my dad, because I know he will always be with me.

I can’t wait to see you again as I’m welcomed to my true home one day. Daddy, thank you for letting me find myself. Thank you for making me strong because of your strength. Thank you for never saying goodbye, because I know you’re saving a place for me….
In The Place where everything last forever, where everything that’s best remains, where everything good is celebrated, where light fills every space, where love abides in every heart, where worship fills every breath, where praise never stops, where pain never enters, where joys never cease, where every tear is wiped away, and every healing is made complete.

I love you dad, Happy father’s day 🙂






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