Birth Photographer // Ann Arbor, Michigan // St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
One word, that can mean so many different things to so many women, but have the same, most breath-taking impact on us all.
There really is nothing quite like it, in all the world.
Having these moments captured, is in my opinion, completely priceless.
Yes, I had a birth photographer at our birth, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The first breath your first born takes out of the womb, priceless.
The first glance at the ones who made them, priceless.
The “fresh 48” hours post birth, priceless.
These moments captured forever, priceless.
This was my first birth I’d photographed since having our first little bear, Luella. (read our birth story here.)
I cried.
More like, I soaked my entire face… let’s be honest, my entire camera. I was in awe, yet again, of the Miracle of Birth.
Our God really is incredible.
Jennalin and Jim welcomed their 6th babe to their family. Claire Everleigh White joined a family of 4 sisters, 1 brother, and two incredibly special parents.
Claire’s arrival was especially exciting, since mom and dad waited for the birth to know the gender. They were both surprised when little Claire made her first peep, and the RN said, “it’s a girl.”
Between the tears, or shall I say, through the waterworks of this all being so raw for me still, I captured the some of the most raw emotion during this time for Jennalin & Jim.
The excitement.
The pain.
The joy.
and the first moments after becoming a family of  / e i g h t /
and nothing makes my heart happier than that.
Congratulations to the White family, as we celebrate the birth of their little “pi” baby. 3.14.16
Blessings, dayna