What an awesome couple! Lindsay was on the ball when she booked with me close to 2 years ago! Since then, I knew it was going to be an amazing wedding. I love when clients get so excited about my work, it makes all the sleepless nights editing worth it, and it’s such a blessing …
Meet the couple who wont the “sweetest sweetheart” contest awhile back! When she contacted me she said that Cody wasn’t stationed in the states and asked if we could wait to do the session till his return. How could I say no to that?! So we waited till he got back in April… He was …
I had the joy of meeting Oliver on his actual due date! The little stinker came a whole week early. But what a little doll, he was perfect in every way… Look at those lips! blessings, dayna
Loved this little peanut, at 14 days old, she was such a rockstar and 0h-so-snuggly! 🙂 Something about those eyes just make me melt… thanks mommy & grandma for all your help and for the pleasure of spending the afternoon with your little miracle! blessings, dayna
They say that couples fall “out of love” because they forget how to laugh and have fun together, so what does that mean if my husband came home to this??…… 🙂 ^^ lol I guess dollar store water balloons look like…. hotdogs? haha…. I definatly held my own, but still got demolished. Best (and cheapest) …
If you are anything like me, you hate scrounging the cupboards figuring out what to make for dinner last minute. For the past 2 years I have had a dry erase magnet on our fridge, that I would “plan” nightly dinners on. I’ve wanted to make a more permeant version of this, and via Pinterest Inspiration, here it is! …
This post is long over due- but there’s nor greater time than now, so here’s a fist bump on getting personal… Obedience: not a word that people generally like to hear (me especially) as the free spirit I am! (ha) But obedience to God? Now that’s a whole different level… Obedience to God’s voice was …
Brooklyn was just as sweet as can be! Her Mom and Grandma were a great help, and very patient as we waited for this wee one to fall fast asleep. I’m glad we waited for a chance to capture these beautiful timeless images that she’ll love when mom brings out before her first prom to …
Where to start with this sweet, sweet couple… they LOVE to LAUGH.. and yes, at ME! 😉 We had such a fun time with their e-session, and Justin did a great job of keeping us both warm… well, I was kind of the designated coat rack for the day, so his coat, plus my coat …
Little Miss Alivia, such a doll! This may have been my fastest newborn session ever, because she was so good (and mommy & matt were such a help, and daddy with Lukas!)Â Thanks Shannon & Shawn for letting me capture your darling little girl, I can’t wait to be apart of her growing up, and …
This little guy was just a joy to work with, I think his face says it all. He was sleepy, and loved to eat, and just loved modeling hats for mom and me 😉 Congrats to proud new parents Ben & Crystal!! Thanks Stef for your help and coming to shadow! 🙂 blessings, dayna …
We all love Photos of these little miracles, and we all love FACEBOOK and PINTREST, and let’s face it- social media in general… so I thought it was only appropriate to dedicate a blog post specifically to educate new parents as well as new photographers on the safety of newborn photography. Safety comes first, and …
“Hi Carrie, it’s Dayna, I know it’s cold outside, but let’s plan on trying the session anyways so we don’t have to wait till later in the summer” “Okay, we will just bundle up, thanks! See you soon…..” You would think in April, it would be somewhat warm, right? Not this April.. It was two …
So many things about this day were so amazing! What a perfect way to end 2011, and start 2012 with a bang! Erin & Nick are such a gorgeous couple, I fell in love with them at their engagement session last summer, when we decided to go to her family farm, for something different! I …
I can honestly say I have been looking forward to this wedding since last summer when we photographed Jackie and Brian at their friends boat house (see their engagement photos here!) They are just so fun together, and an all around gorgeous couple, inside and out, so I expected nothing less for their wedding, and it didn’t …