Newborn Safety!

January 15, 2012

We all love Photos of these little miracles, and we all love FACEBOOK and PINTREST, and let’s face it- social media in general… so I thought it was only appropriate to dedicate a blog post specifically to educate new parents as well as new photographers on the safety of newborn photography.

Safety comes first, and it’s extremely important for new photographers to educate themselves when it comes to this type of photography, and to not take it lightly. There are many newborn shots (slings, chin pose, babies in glass objects…) that are composites, which is 2 or more images combined into one final image (using Photoshop) and should NEVER be attempted otherwise. I recently attended a newborn workshop in Ohio with Amy Cook, where we learned the extreme importance of this matter, along with making it when posting a composite images, that they are 2 images put together in PS.

Where is the first place new photographers “look” for ideas?! ONLINE, which is why I think it’s extremely important to share with everyone this “secret” even if it takes away some of the “mystery” of the shot. I know before I started photographing newborns, I had no idea that these shots were 2 images put together, and I realized how many others may not know…  At the end of the day, I would rather see a happy, SAFE, newborn (even if a shot is compromised) and have others be aware of the correct way to pose, and composite images, than to think of the potential tragedy that could come if failing to do so 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, let’s help keep this little ones entrusted to our care safe!

Here are a few examples of composite shots:







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